Our First Post

January 25, 2017
Aerial view of campus

Oh, Hello There!

Welcome to our blog — the place to be to learn about NJCU in general and the NJCU Community in particular.

I’ll be authoring future posts on occasion, but this space will be largely reserved for faculty, staff, alumni, and students. Each day I continue to be astounded by the breadth and depth of the talent at NJCU. I’m confident you will be, too.

In this space you’ll find a glimpse of pretty much everything: research, analysis, trends, politics, advice, wisdom, and humor.  Some topics may be weighty, others as light as a feather; regardless of subject matter, the common goal of every post will be to encourage you to think.

On behalf of NJCU, I hope you enjoy this special section of our online magazine.

With warmest wishes,

Mike Allegra,
Editor, NJCU Magazine

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NJCU Magazine