NJCU Psychology Receives National Recognition

January 19, 2016
people posing with award

New Jersey City University’s (NJCU) School Psychology Program has been nationally recognized by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Professionals (CAEP). 

Following a rigorous analysis of the program structure and faculty qualifications by three independent reviewers, the NASP Program Approval Board voted for “Full Approval” of the NJCU School Psychology Program through 2019. Program graduates will automatically qualify for national certification during this period. While program graduates are readily certified as school psychologists in New Jersey and New York, becoming a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) allows graduates to practice as school psychologists in most other states. NJCU program graduates have qualified for the NCSP, continuously since 2005.

The program review board cited the program’s commitment to diversity as its strength. Reviewers also commented on the “commendable” results of the program’s graduates on the national exam for school psychologists, the uniformly high ratings of candidates by supervising psychologists in school placements, and the demonstrable impact program candidates have on students in public schools through individualized academic and behavioral interventions.

NJCU was found to be committed to the highest national standards and was commended for the overall strength of its school psychology program.

Dr. Daniel J. Julius, NJCU Provost and Senior Vice President, complimented the faculty, staff and students, saying, “We are proud of the continuing success of this program, and in particular, our graduates, who are well-prepared to serve the linguistically and ethnically diverse student populations in New Jersey and the metropolitan region”.

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