President Henderson on "Making the Most of Our Diversity"

May 16, 2017

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NJCU President Sue Henderson, Ph.D., recently published an article in the online journal Higher Ed Jobs. Titled “Making the Most of Our Diversity,” the story asserts the philosophical and practical benefits of a diverse college campus. A diverse classroom, Henderson notes, offers students access to and an understanding of different points of view. This, in turn, encourages respectful debate and more sophisticated critical thinking skills—attributes highly sought after in both the classroom and the job market. NJCU certainly practices what Henderson preaches. 

In 2016, U.S. News & World Report named the University the Best Public School in New Jersey for Ethnic Diversity. The recent opening of a new residence hall at University Place has created a surge in international enrollment, helping to attract students from more than 100 countries—from Albania to Vietnam—with more than 20 making the journey from mainland China. The University's diversity extends beyond race and ethnicity; NJCU draws from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and the ages for NJCU undergraduates range from 16 to 72.

Read the article here:…

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