NJCU Joins University of the Arctic

November 24, 2017
New Jersey City University is expanding its initiatives in global business and sustainability as a new member of the University of the Arctic

New Jersey City University is expanding its initiatives in global business and sustainability as a new member of the University of the Arctic. UArctic is a cooperative network of universities, colleges, research institutes, and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North.

Through UArctic, NJCU will be able to partner with more than 100 other member universities, colleges, and institutes located in the Arctic and throughout the globe, sharing research, faculty expertise, and information.

“Our membership will facilitate partnerships with institutions located in Artic nations that will benefit students and businesses here in New Jersey and throughout the Northeast.” said Dr. Bernard McSherry, Founding Dean of the NJCU School of Business. The School of Business is collaborating with the William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences on the UArctic initiative.

Work with UArctic members to promote protection of the environment will also open up entrepreneurial and business opportunities that, in part, could lead to the improvement of certain products which impact the environment, said Dr. John Donnellan, Associate Professor and Chair of the Management Department at the School of Business. For example, he explained, “From a shipping standpoint, we could learn how to better protect the oceans through more efficient ways of shipping products from Point A to Point B.”

In addition to the United States, other UArctic countries are Canada, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. There are also participating “non-Arctic” countries, such as China, Korea, Scotland, and Bohemia.

Other member U.S. colleges and universities include Dartmouth College, Florida SouthWestern State College, University of Washington, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of North Dakota and the University of Colorado.


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