NJCU Student Research Symposium to Convene April 10

April 4, 2018
NJCU Student Research Symposium to Convene April 10

NJCU students involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines will get a chance to share their research Thursday, April 12, during the annual NJCU Student Research Symposium.

The all-day event, presented by the NJCU Scientific Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI), will begin at 9 a.m. in the University’s Visual Arts Building.

The symposium operates under the umbrella of SURI, which was officially approved by Dr. Daniel Julius, NJCU Provost, in 2015.

“The SURI approach to the symposium is to partner with student clubs to prepare and run the event, and to invite students from across campus and within different departments to present their research,” said Dr. Natalia Coleman, SURI Founder and Director.

SURI is a faculty-driven initiative founded with the vision of providing research opportunities for all STEM students at the University. One of the proven successful ways to improve the quantity and quality of student training in STEM subjects is to integrate cutting-edge research into the undergraduate curriculum. SURI serves as a central clearinghouse for research opportunities for undergraduate students, and promotes a unified vision and culture of undergraduate research.

SURI fosters collaboration among STEM faculty, bringing together all of the STEM departments at NJCU, which are Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics. Several student organizations are also included, such as the Biology, Chemistry, and Robotics Clubs, the American Medical Student Association, and the Beta Beta Honor Society.



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