NJCU Frontier Set Team Receives Realizing Transformation Award

May 22, 2020
Hepburn Hall Lawn
Process map transformations team

New Jersey City University was one of 14 institutions and state systems selected to receive Realizing Transformation Awards at the Frontier Set Annual Convening; Frontier Set is a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Initiative. These awards help increase student success and erase student attainment gaps. NJCU was represented at the Annual Convening Meeting by Beimnet Teclezghi, Karen Morgan, and Nurdan Aydin.

Read more about this award here.

NJCU has also received an additional $25,000 for the “Process Map” project, which is focusing on developmental education.

NJCU Frontier Set- Process Map Team Members are Beimnet Teclezghi, Caroline Wilkinson, Meriem Bendaoud, Deborah Woo, and Nurdan Aydin.

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