
2024 Constitution Day: Passing the Baton

11:20 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Hepburn Hall - Gothic Lounge

Constitution Day & NEW Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate

11:20am—11:45am - Part 1

  • Louise Stanton, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Introductions
  • Beau Lancaster, Adjunct Professor, Department of History
  • Jennifer Musial, Chair & Faculty, Department of Gender, Africana, and Latina American Studies
  • Jeffrey Dessources, Director, Center for Leadership & Engagement

11:45am—12:35pm - Part 2

  • Jeffrey Dessources, Director, Center for Leadership & Engagement introduces NEW Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate program
  • *Theo Dassin-Co-Founder, Students For Strengthening American Democracy (an initiative of Lawyers Defending American Democracy)
  • *Assata Man, Senior Community Organizer, Institute for Social Justice/NJ
  • NJCU students: Samantha Jaipersaud & Iris Gonzales, Civic Influencers at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

*TABLING by these organizations and more to sign up to volunteer
e.g. Be a pollworker-sign up with Power the Polls
e.g. Do postcarding-Students for Voting Justice (SVJ), a campaign of the Center for Common Ground


Scheduled Dates
