
Criminal Justice Coffee Talk: Dr. Matthew B. Johnson

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Registration Required - Free
NJCU logo Coffee Cup on a table

Please join the Criminal Justice Department for its "Criminal Justice Coffee Talk with Dr. Matthew Barry Johnson." Dr. Johnson will be presenting his latest book Wrongful Conviction in Sexual Assault: Stranger Rape, Acquaintance Rape, and Intra-familial Child Sexual Assault (Oxford University Press, 2021). Dr. Johnson’s work highlights current and historical racial bias in the prosecution of sexual assault cases. In his book, Dr. Johnson analyzes The Central Park Five, Steve Avery, Ronald Cotton, and the Norfolk Four. He provides insight into investigative errors and introduces innovative concepts in criminal investigations involving claims of innocence.

Dr. Johnson is a Professor of Psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and The CUNY Graduate Center. A native of New Jersey, Dr. Johnson does extensive work in the areas of interrogation and confession and wrongful conviction. Dr. Johnson has also worked extensively toward the abolition of the death penalty. Dr. Johnson has published extensively in his field of research and works extensively to impact change through various media outlets and advocacy organizations. He has been awarded for his work, including the 2020 Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award, the 2019 Bobby Wright Community Service Award from the National Association of Black Psychologists, the 2007 John Jay College of Criminal Justice Outstanding Teacher Award, and the 2003 Frantz Fanon Memorial Award. 

Please join us for this captivating talk.

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