
PSYCH Star Speaker Series: Extending Vygotsky with Dr. Jeremy Sawyer

5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

NJCU Campus depicting Hepburn hall tower and GRossnickle during daytime
jeremy sawyer headshot

The NJCU Psychology Society & Chapter of Psi Chi cordially invite you to the Virtual 2021 PSYCH Star Speaker Series

Let’s Zoom with Special Guest: Jeremy Sawyer, Ph.D. 

“Extending Vygotsky: Sociodramatic Play Increases Preschoolers’ Private Speech and Motivation Across Activities”

Moderated by Dr. Peri Yuksel (Department of Psychology)

This talk seeks to investigate the impact of play on children’s private speech (self-talk) and motivation in activities with differing demands. We will share results of a study (Sawyer & Brooks, 2021) in which preschoolers (N = 47) engaged in fishing and puzzle tasks in differing pedagogical conditions. We experimentally varied the pedagogical context by framing the fishing and puzzle activities as sociodramatic play or task completion.

An Assistant Professor of Psychology at CUNY’s Kingsborough Community College, Dr. Sawyer has a doctorate in Developmental Psychology (CUNY Graduate Center) and is a New York State certified Bilingual (Spanish) School Psychologist who has worked with children with disabilities in New York City Public Schools. Dr. Sawyer studies how Vygotskian theory applies to children’s development of language, cognition, and motivation.

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