Faculty & Staff Directory

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Melissa Pisaniello

Professional Security Studies
P-219 201-200-2275

Donna Piscopo

University Senate
P 402 201-200-3459

Shelby Pitts

R-405 201-200-3157

Jason Plaksin

School of Business
P-414 201-200-3353
K 505 201-200-3251

Isaac Platizky

Congressman Frank J. Guarini Library
CFJG MN 201-200-3017
K 304 201-200-3337

Timothy Plotts

Educational Leadership
R-536 201-200-3400

Ann Marie Pocklembo

Music, Dance and Theatre
R-234 201-200-3151

Theon Poindexter

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3138

Kofi Polley

P-414 201-200-2001

Nicole Pometti

Media Arts
F-106 201-200-3494
R-405 201-200-3157

Sharese Porter

Health Sciences
P-219 201-200-3431

Donald Portillo

A-120 201-200-3214

DeNere Postell

Educational Leadership
R-536 201-200-2400

Hugo Potes

Modern Languages
K 202 201-200-3176

Sasa Poucki

K 505 201-200-3251
P-414 201-200-3353