Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs in Information Assurance / Cyber Security
NJCU is designated a National Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and an Intelligence Community CAE by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Through hands-on training, you'll gain a working knowledge of how best to protect your nation's and company's information and cyber assets.
The Cyber Defense, Graduate Certificate offers coursework to successfully gain the technical depth required to actively prepare for and respond to cyber-attacks. The certificate concentrates on the concepts and principles of analyzing network traffic to extract the observable characteristics of systems, networks and network devices by providing a basis for defensive strategies. The Department of Professional Security Studies' interdisciplinary Cyber Defense, Graduate Certificate provides the necessary skills to prepare professional in this emerging area of Information Security.
Currently Offered
The Department of Professional Security Studies is proud to announce the expansion of its industry-critical certificate program for full-time undergraduate students at NJCU (all majors are welcome). With no additional cost, students can now earn up to six certificates and one cyber defense certification while working towards their Bachelor of Science degree.
The PSS certificates represent critical competencies directly related to their chosen career path and are designed to highlight each students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to effectively operate in a competitive environment.
We offer certificates in:
- Certificate in Big Data & National Security
- Certificate in Crime Scene Analysis
- Certificate in Cyber Defense*
- Certificate in Extremism and National Security
- Certificate in Information Security
- Certificate in Intelligence Analysis
- Certificate in International Security
- Certificate in Loss Prevention
*The Department of Professional Security Studies is designated as a Center of Academic Excellence by both the National Security Agency (NSA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Our experienced scholar-practitioners have worked in and with intelligence agencies such as the FBI, NSA, FEMA, DHS, CBP and U.S. military, United Nations, federal, state, county, and local law enforcement, and the private sector.
For more information, please view the link https://forms.office.com/r/0v289xujUS, or e-mail us at securitystudies@njcu.edu, or call 201-200-2275.
Historically Offered & Still Recognized: Information Assurance/Cyber Security, Graduate Certificate
Our Cyber Defense certification curriculum of study is approved by the National Security Agency and the U.S Department of Homeland Security.