Read what our graduates and students are doing and what they say about our program.

Michael Bermudez

Dr. Michael Bermudez is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas.  He was Fulbright Scholar who worked with educational technology and occupational therapy in Uganda.  His research interests are in the use of wearable technology, 3D printing, and virtual reality in occupational therapy.

“The faculty members have wholeheartedly supported me and nurtured my specific projects and research related to my specific academic and professional interests. Now, as an assistant professor in a prestigious university, I feel that the doctoral program has prepared me to be a leader and a contributor to the promotion of optimal teaching, research, and service for others in the education of future health care professionals.”

Dr. Michael Bermudez, OTR/L (MA, 2016; Ed.D. Cohort 4, Class of 2019) 


Katy Blatnick-Gagne

Dr. Katy Blatnick-Gagne is currently an Educational Consultant with the Bureau for Career and Technical Education at the Iowa Department of Education.  Previously, she was the Director for The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences and as a faculty member of the Family and Consumer Sciences Education program at Texas Tech.  

" My experiences in the doctoral program at NJCU allowed me to not only grow in knowledge, but as a person. I was able to accomplish it as a long-distance student because of the support I received by from my cohort, the faculty and the staff.  I loved the cohort model and how the courses were distributed in the NJCU doctoral program.  Our cohort grew so strong that we still hold yearly reunions!"

Dr. Katy Blatnick-Gagne (Ed.D. Cohort 2, Class of 2017)


Mathew Farber

Dr. Matthew Farber is an Associate Professor of Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy at the University of Northern Colorado. He is the author of several books about game-based learning, as well as blogs for Edutopia on digital learning. Dr. Farber has been invited to the White House and has been interviewed about games and learning on NPR, Fox News Radio, EdSurge, The Denver Post, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. For more, visit

The Ed Tech leadership doctoral program at NJCU prepared me to take the leap from K12 teaching to a path in higher education. The program combined scholarly work with practical applications of educational technologies. Further, the program gave us agency to follow our passions in the field, in my case, game-based learning. 

Dr. Mathew Farber (MA 2010, Ed.D. Cohort 1, Class of 2016)


Emily Vandalovsky

Dr. Emily Vandalovsky is currently the Dean of Mathematics, Science & Technology division at Bergen Community College. Previously, she served as an Assistant Professor and Academic Department Chair of Computer Science, Engineering & Information Technologies department at BCC.

“The Ed.D. program has played a vital role in my professional and personal development. It broadened my viewpoints on the current research, deepened my understanding of the field with its challenges, and strengthened my ability to problem-solve innovatively. The program propelled my levels of professionalism and confidence, without which I would not be where I am today.  Undoubtedly, it has been a life-changing experience.”

Dr. Emily Vandalovsky (Ed.D. Cohort 6, Class of 2021)

Martin Hoffman Sr.

Dr. Martin A. Hoffman, Sr. is the Dean of Learning Resources for Rowan College at Burlington County in New Jersey where he directs the activities of the college library, runs a professional development center and oversees the technical aspects of all online, hybrid and web-enhanced credit courses offered by the College. He is also previous Chair of the New Jersey Community College Distance Education Affinity Group, the former Executive Director of the Consortium for Distance Education, a Board Member of the Instructional Technology Council, and a reviewer for the Quality Matters program and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

"One of the hallmarks of NJCU's Doctoral programs is the real-world applicability of the coursework.  During my first Summer Institute in the Educational Technology Leadership program I submitted not one but two assignments simultaneously to my professor, and my boss, because the schoolwork was so similar to existing initiatives at my job….In NJCU's Educational Technology Leadership Doctoral program my dissertation committee chair was both supportive and uncompromising.  He held me to high standards but at the same time understood I was a working adult with a family and other obligations."

Dr. Martin Hoffman Sr.  (Ed.D. Cohort 1, Class of 2016)

Student Voices from the Field

School Library Media Specialist MA: Samantha

Assistive Technology Certificate: Janine


School Library Media Specialist MA: Edna

Graduate Highlights

The Department of Educational Technology proudly highlights the profiles of our recent graduates in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology and Doctorate of Educational Technology Leadership.

Marie Pelligree

Marie Pellegrini, MA

Marie's hopes and plans for the future are to continue to implement all of what she learned in her Educational Technology courses at NJCU in her fourth grade classroom. She also hope to continue her education by taking additional courses at New Jersey City University.

“What really inspires me in the field of educational technology is that I am using all of what I have just learned in my courses at NJCU in my remote learning classes in Berkeley Heights. Once again, NJCU, has prepared me for my profession in ways I could never imagine. I also see technology infused more into our daily lives and lessons as we get back into our classrooms in September. A fond memory I have of NJCU Ed Tech are the friendships I made in my online courses. You may think that you are working in isolation but professors design courses in the way they should be implemented in your own classroom. We all worked together to ask questions, complete assignments, and share great ideas, technology, and lessons. The constantly changing technology inspires me to keep working in education. Every day is different and unpredictable. I love that every day I learn something new!

I would love to thank my entire family for their support throughout this educational journey! Without their help, patience, and encouragement, this would not have been as much fun and enjoyable. They gave me the space I needed to complete my assignments and learn!”


Edna Coe Berca, MA

Edna Coe Bercaw from Alexandria Township is graduating with her MA in School Library Media Specialization. She loves how educational technology engages students of all ages and answers the needs of all students. S he believes that educational technology promotes critical thinking and teamwork and improves the overall quality of education. She especially loved Dr. Welz's passion for children's literature, kindness, and support for every student in the class as well as the projects she did in Dr. Shamburg’s Authoring Tools course.

“I feel that working in education develops us as true life-long learners who motivate students and inspire them to achieve beyond their expectations. Even with the COVID-19 lockdown, my family celebrated so many occasions, including birthdays and holidays, but the most special one to date is my graduation from NJCU with a Master's in Educational Technology and School Library Media Specialization--and my daughter's graduation from Syracuse University with a degree in Information Technology and a minor Communications - all on Mother's Day! “

Way to go Edna!


Melina Skarantonakis, MA

Melina Skarantonakis from Hoboken graduated with her MA in Educational Technology. Her plans for the future are to earn a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership as well as become a college professor.

“Working in education with children is truly a privilege and an honor. I believe that teaching requires compassion, patience, and an understanding that every child is unique and learns differently. First and foremost, I want to thank all of my amazing professors at NJCU as well as all of the staff members. I am beyond grateful for everyone that has supported me throughout my educational journey. Thank you to all of my family members and friends, who have been by my side every step of the way. Most importantly, I want to thank my son, Jay-Jay. If it weren’t for you being brought into my life, I would not be where I am today. I love you more than anything in this entire world and will continue to make you proud!”

Congratulations Melina!

Ashley Shanley

Ashley Shanley, MA

Ashley Shanley from Brick, NJ graduated with her MA in Educational Technology and plans on taking her knowledge in educational technology to become a technology coach. “Educational Technology is so inspiring to me. It can benefit us in so many ways, especially during these uncertain times! NJCU EdTech has guided me to really explore the field of education that I’m passionate about, and each instructor has helped me reach where I am today. I am so grateful for NJCU and the Ed Tech department!! Thank you all so much.”

Congratulations Ashley!


Kathryn E. Anastasio, MA

Kathryn E. Anastasio of Long Branch has graduated with her MA with School Library Media Specialization. She plans to further her education by enrolling in the STEM certification course in the fall, with the goal of becoming a STEM coordinator in her district.

“Educational technology is what has made distance learning during the COVID19 pandemic possible! Because of my coursework at NJCU, I was able to easily transition to online teaching. I have also been able to introduce my K-1 students to ‘virtual STEM’ with great success. Dr. Christopher Carnahan, Dr. Laura Zieger, and Giulio Dininno have provided invaluable assistance and guidance. I couldn't have done this without their assistance! When I see that "AHA" moment in a child's eyes, or when they come to me excited about something new that they have discovered, I know that I have made the right career choice. I look forward to continuing to implement what I have learned at NJCU.”

Congratulations Kathryn!


Heather Goggins, MA

We’d like to congratulate Heather Goggins, who is a graduate of our MA with School Library Media Specialization.

“I want to be able to make a difference to my students. I hope to always be able to stay afloat with the latest educational trends and to make a contribution to my school in a positive way. I am inspired by the innovations in educational technology that help learners and I am also inspired by my students. I feel inspired to help create learners that are engaged in 21st Century Learning. Educational technology is an ever-changing field and constantly evolving. I am inspired to keep working in education because I truly believe educational technology can help our students to become critical thinkers who are self reliant and resourceful. “


Leanne Rubiano

We would like to congratulate Leanne Rubiano of Avenel for graduating with her MA in Educational Technology. She is looking forward to using the skills she acquired through studying Educational Technology to better deliver meaningful lessons to her history students and hopes to boost engagement and motivation. In a few years, she looks forward to transitioning out of the classroom into an administrative role in education.

“Educational technology inspires me to be a teacher who cares about making learning relevant for her students. I am inspired by the women and men in this field who do such great work in wielding the ever-changing trends of technology in schools. I have so many fond memories of completing my Masters in Ed Tech at NJCU. I will always remember the fun projects I did, especially one in which I had to make a sample documentary about the lost colony of Roanoke. I have very fond memories of reading “The Innovators” while pregnant with my second daughter…and of course...completing my Masters Thesis!

Congratulations to my fellow students on the success of completing your degree programs. I would like to personally thank my husband, Willmar, and two daughters, Sierra and June, for their love and support.”


Emma Coultrap-Bagg

Congratulations to Emma Coultrap-Bagg who is graduating with her MA in Educational Technology.

“I am most inspired by the potential of educational technology to help all students learn to the best of their ability, and to provide more tools for teachers to build an inclusive classroom.”


Stephen Matthew Petric

Kudos to Stephen Matthew Petric of Lodi who earned his MA in Educational Technology.

“I hope to further my career to better support my family and my students. I am inspired by how students learn, explore, and react to emerging technologies. In class reading ‘Make Your Bed’ by Admiral William H. McRaven, has been very motivational and inspirational. It will no doubt have a prolonged effect on my life going forward. I would like to thank Dr. Collado for assigning it.”


Spencer John D'Alessio

Congratulations to Spencer John D'Alessio for earning his MA in Educational Technology. His goal is to become an IT Director for a school district, and he would also like to start his own business.

“Educational technology is an ever-evolving field which requires continuous learning to stay sharp. I appreciate this idea of lifelong learning. I also appreciate the relationships that I developed with my classmates and my professors. I have always seen myself as a mentor and coach. Working in education allows me the opportunity to do for both students and teachers.”


Tammy Poggi-Martinelli

Kudos to Tammy Poggi-Martinelli of Ridgefield who earned her MA with School Library Specialization. She plans to to continue working as a technology teacher in her hometown of North Bergen where she has been teaching for 23 years.

“Educational technology is fun and exciting. I never get bored of learning and exploring new ways of teaching and passing that on to my students. Children inspire me with their love of life, people, and learning......every day is an adventure with them.”

NJCU Educational Technology Grad Week 2020 Doctoral Profiles


Susan Van Alstyne, Ed.D

Congratulations to Dr. Susan Van Alstyne for earning her Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership. Susan plans to continue as an educator, digital leader, researcher, and author.

“An innovator by nature, I am inspired by many of the same reasons why I am a librarian: equal access to information. Educational technology is not only how technology facilitates learning and student engagement, but educational technology also supports the quality and access to education to provide meaningful learning experiences. The current state has proved the importance of educational technology now and in the future. Sadly, the shift to remote learning has also revealed there is still a long way to go in digital equity and affording the same opportunities to all learners. I plan to continue to contribute to the field by promoting equal access by supporting innovative, high-quality education to support student success and enhance the student experience.

As a lifelong learner, it is an honor to see others succeed and surpass their goals, and being part of their journey is my inspiration to keep working in education.”

Daniel Ward

Daniel Ward, Ed.D

Dr. Daniel Ward is a graduate in Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership

Dr. Ward is the Assistant Director of Online Learning at NJCU and a National Workshop Leader for Quality Matters.

“Having a career in Online Learning and teaching at a collegiate level is such a rewarding experience. It's great to know that my efforts in implementing technologies and assisting educators and students with utilizing technology play an essential role in degree completion for our student population.

We live in a time of ever increasing dependence on technology. The pandemic threw a curve ball to all industries, which were ill-prepared, but educational technology, when implemented appropriately, has aided educators and students at all levels to continue course work and program completion. It is an exciting time to be a leader in the field and at the forefront of technology in education. I look forward to helping educational institutions with developing sound technology-rich continuity plans for high-quality educational programs in my professional roles.

Thank you to NJCU's Educational Technology faculty for an amazing experience!”

Douglas Koch

Douglas J. Koch, Ed.D

Congratulations to Dr. Douglas J. Koch of Upper Darby, PA. Dr. Koch looks forward to remaining in higher education and working with a team focused on the evaluation and implementation of educational interventions geared towards supporting the non-traditional student.

“I am inspired by watching students grow and achieve their educational goals. There are many fond memories of my time in the NJCU Ed Tech program but the overarching theme involves the camaraderie I experienced. The personal and professional connections I've made with those in my cohort as well as those in other cohorts, the faculty, staff, and members of the extended NJCU community will live in my heart forever.”


Aminata Bamba-Adewumi, Ed.D

Congratulations to Dr. Aminata Bamba-Adewumi for earning her Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership.

Dr. Bamba-Adewumi believes that educational technology is the future of education. She has been a judge at the 2020, 2019, and 2018 CODiE Award for the categories of Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution and Best Mathematics Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12 and Higher Education. She presented at NJEdge on Adaptive Learning tools in a Blended Math Classroom and a webinar “Technology in K-8 and Developmental Mathematics Classroom.” She became a program committee member and reviewer for the 2018 TALE Conference and a Hudson 2018 Hackathon Facilitator. In August 2017, she presented at the New Jersey Maker Summit on using Lego EV3 Mindstorms Robots in the classroom to engage and encourage students to learn more about the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

“My children are my biggest fans and my inspiration for continuing my education. I just give Christ the glory for them because they supported and encouraged me through this journey.”

Barbara McCarty

Barbara McCarty, Ed.D

Dr. Barbara McCarty is an Ed.D. graduate in Educational Technology Leadership from Doylestown, Pennsylvania.

Dr. McCary’s fondest memories of NJCU Ed Tech revolve around the relationships she made during the program, ”whether it was laughing with my cohort members during a break at summer institute, brainstorming with my peers during group projects, or presenting with my professors at various conferences, my memories always reflect the supportive yet challenging educational atmosphere created by cohort 5 and the NJCU Ed Tech community. I am inspired by the way that educational technology provides new avenues for students to express their ideas and interact with the world in novel and creative ways. I cannot imagine working in any other field than education. I love that every day is different, presenting new opportunities to connect with, teach, and learn from the students and teachers in my school.”

Congratulations Dr. McCarty!

Carol Munn

Carol Munn, Ed.D

Congratulations to Dr. Carol A. Munn of Neshanic Station who graduated with her Ed.D. in Ed Tech Leadership. Dr. Munn is currently a technology teacher and entrepreneur. Her field of research includes robotics, drones, VR, programming, coding and blended learning. Her plan is to add adjunct in higher education to her work and to author a book on robotics and computational thinking, which was the topic of her dissertation.

“I have so many fond memories and participated in many events throughout the three years as a member of Cohort 5 and the NJCU Ed Tech department. A special bond develops from the ‘cohort as a family’ spirit and creates lasting wonderful memories and relationships. The inspiration that keeps me going in the education field is the students’ smiling faces when they get to that "ah-ha" moment in an activity. These past three years as part of NJCU Ed Tech Cohort 5 have been enlightening and valuable experiences, and I would not trade for the world.”


Terri Evans, Ed.D.

Kudos to Dr. Terri Evans who graduated with her Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership.

“I am inspired by the field of educational technology because it pairs learning with technology tools, strategies, processes, and resources that provide varied opportunities for access, equity, and relevancy. My fondest memories of NJCU Ed Tech are the weeks we spent together during the summer sessions and combining learning and fun at Liberty Science Center, Escape Garden State, the Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island. I am inspired to keep working in education because of the opportunity to make a difference for diverse learners."


Adnan Atiq Ezad, Ed.

Congratulations Dr. Adnan Atiq Ezad who completed his Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership.

Dr. Ezan works in Jersey City. He would like to extend his research in personalized learning and would like to deliver more presentations expanding on his ideas for technology use that he presented in my first TEDx.

“I have ideas that I would like to share that would contribute to the evolution of education as we continue to progress into the 21st century. It has been a fruitful journey that has afforded me the ability to grow substantially as an educator. I look forward to applying what I had learned and continuing to grow!”


Manuel Fransisco Negron, Ed.D.

Congratulations to Dr. Manuel Fransisco Negron. Dr. Negron is currently a school principal in Passaic and hopes to be a Superintendent of Schools. He plans to work as a visionary leader by inspiring and leading in the development, implementation, and integration of the latest technology to provide our students with an excellent education.

“I’ll always remember the collaboration and bond with my cohort members during the summer experiences along with the many joys and laughter. I look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of students through inspiration, motivation, and dedication along with being a role model for many of them. “


Linda L. Lampert, Ed.D.

Congratulations to Dr. Linda L. Lampert of Linden, NJ for earning her Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership. Her hope for the future is to continue to learn about the latest technologies that help inspire and motivate and her students to reach their full potential.

“I once heard that technology has a shelf life of a banana. This resonated with me. Technology is always changing. While it can be exhausting to keep up with the constant changes, it is also very exciting. I have some wonderful memories of our Summer Institutes while at NJCU. We worked hard, but the memories and friendships that were made will be cherished forever.”


Patrick Holness, Ed.D.

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Holness of Union who has earned his Doctorate in Educational Technology Leadership. He’s looking to continue to be a leader in the field of educational technology in Jersey City, where he is currently an administrator.

“What inspires me is the ability to helps students and adults learn even more than they thought they could. I am inspired by students and adult learners. I would like to add that the Educational Technology Department at NJCU is superb. I continue to be inspired by my professors and their expertise in the field. If I had to do it all over again hands down NJCU Ed Tech all the way.”

Congratulations Dr. Holness!


Karen J Cotter, Ed.D.

Congratulations to Dr. Karen J. Cotter of Summit, NJ

Dr. Cotter plans to use her Doctorate in Educational Technology Leadership to continue working in education with both higher education students and faculty.

“There is nothing more exciting than helping someone integrate new technology that engages the learner. There is always something new to learn or a new way to learn it and I want to be a part of that for as long a with our cohort and have a lot of fun! We learned so much in the past three years. It's hard to believe it has come to an end. However, the relationships and experiences I have had because of this program will continue to grow. Thank you for a great adventure!”

Congratulations Dr. Cotter