Certificate in Alcohol & Drug Studies (CADS)


About This Degree

The CADS satisfies the academic requirement for New Jersey’s Certified Alcohol &Drug Counselor (CADC) credential. The other major requirements for the CADC are 3,000 hours of practicum at a licensed substance abuse treatment facility, 300 hours of clinical supervision, written examination, and oral case presentation. For a complete list of requirements, please go to www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/adc/applications.

SOCI 314Treatment Planning for Substance Abusers3
SOCI 335 Case Management of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Clients3
SOCI 336Professional & Ethical Responsibilities in Substance Abuse Treatment3
PSYC 315*Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling I3
PSYC 317* Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling II3
HLTH 424**Substance Abuse3
CourseSOCI 314
TitleTreatment Planning for Substance Abusers
CourseSOCI 335 
TitleCase Management of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Clients
CourseSOCI 336
TitleProfessional & Ethical Responsibilities in Substance Abuse Treatment
CoursePSYC 315*
TitleDrug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling I
CoursePSYC 317* 
TitleDrug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling II
CourseHLTH 424**
TitleSubstance Abuse

(Prerequisite: PSYC 315 Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling I)

Total Credits: 18

*These courses are offered by the Department of Psychology.

**This course is offered by the Department of Health Sciences.

Students interested in pursuing the Certificate in Alcohol & Drug Studies should consult with Dr. Jennifer A. Pax (jpax@njcu.edu), Director of Bachelor of Social Work Program.