Application Process for Homeschooled Students


Application Process for Homeschooled Students


Submit your Application online


NJCU Application Requirements for Homeschoolers

Homeschoolers applying to New Jersey City University (NJCU) follow the same admissions steps as students attending traditional high schools. However, additional documentation is required to verify academic readiness and compliance with state standards.


Submit a transcript approved by a homeschool program, public or private school, or primary teacher. Transcripts from other educational institutions (community college, former public education, etc.), if applicable, should also be submitted.

If the GED exam has been completed, official GED test scores are required.

Required Transcript Information:

  • List of all completed courses.
  • Credits, units, or hours associated with each course.
  • A letter or numerical grade indicating performance in each subject area.
  • Organization by date and grade level (9–12).

Final Transcripts Must Include:

  • Graduation date.
  • Homeschool Addendum: A statement acknowledging that the student has completed the equivalent of a standard high school education in compliance with state standards.
  • Signature (physical or electronic) from the homeschool administrator (usually a parent).

Preliminary Transcripts:

  • Preliminary (grades 9–11) transcripts may be submitted for an admission decision.
  • These must include the administrator’s signature but do not require a graduation date or homeschool addendum.

Course Completion Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate completion of the following coursework:

  • English: 4 years.
  • Mathematics: 2 years of college preparatory math.
  • Laboratory Science: 2 years.
  • Social Science: 2 years.
  • Foreign Language: 2 years.
  • Electives: At least 4 units in subjects such as art, music, or drama.

NJCU is committed to ensuring that homeschool applicants are evaluated equitably while upholding academic standards. For additional assistance, applicants should contact the NJCU Admissions Office.