New York Post (November 11, 2024)
Why firefighters are struggling to bring the Jennings Creek Fire in NY and NJ under control
Walter Nugent, chair of the Fire Science department at New Jersey City University, told The Post on Monday that firefighters have two main ways to fight such epic blazes: douse them in water and starve them of fuel.
That means that as they dump water on the flames, they have to rip up the underbrush to create a firebreak.
“You have to cool and quench, and you have to remove the fire load,” Nugent said. “You say, ‘Well, what’s burning now? What else has the potential?’ If you can possibly make a break … that helps.”
WHYY/PBS/NPR (June 3, 2022)
Why Amazon’s wish to reduce its footprint in N.J. will be challenging
Walter Nugent, professor and chairperson of NJCU’s Fire Science department, who also has a finance background, is featured in an article in WHYY, PBS and NPR entitled “Why Amazon’s wish to reduce its footprint in N.J. will be challenging.” Professor Nugent discusses the challenges these warehouses will face going forward, at a time where the subject of building warehouses is a hot topic in New Jersey.