Photo of Hepburn Hall in Spring during blossom bloom

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NJCU branded apparel on display.


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With 59 in-demand undergraduate programs, 21 sought-after graduate degrees, two pioneering doctoral programs, and numerous career-advancing certificates, we provide an affordable, accessible, high-quality education that transforms engaging classrooms into successful careers. Find your perfect program TODAY!

Laura Bustamante

Laura Bustamante

Laura Bustamante '18, B.A. in Political Science and National Security Studies, graduated Summa Cum Laude, while also being a standout women's soccer player for NJCU. Since graduating, she has quickly established herself as one of the Garden State's most influential political operatives, recently being appointed as Deputy State Director and Political Director for U.S. Senator Andy Kim after helping secure his election victory in November 2024.

Caitline Fortich profile

Caitline Fortich

Always trying to figure out how the mind functions, she left suburbia to attend college in the most diverse city in the country.

Hector Crespo Profile Photo

Hector Crespo

Upon meeting the computer science department at NJCU, Hector realized his passion for video games could lead to a career as a video game designer.

Ricky Cruz Profile Photo

Ricky Santiago Cruz

Ricky intends to pursue a career in higher education administration to continue leading and developing the student leaders of the future.

Photo of Students gathering around to take a group selfie with eachother on the base of the fountain located on the NJCU MAin Campus.

A close-knit community in a thriving metropolitan region

Minutes from New York City.
Everything you need ... right here.

Arieal view of the NJCU main campus.
NJCU Open house in the Gilligan student union building. Potential students are speaking with each other and various departments of NJCU with flags of various countries shown hung above along the walls to represent NJCU's diverse population.
Lightrail vehicle traversing through downtown Jersey City.