Employer Sponsored Tuition Assistance

Photo of students studying in lab

Employer Sponsored Tuition Assistance

About Employer Sponsored Tuition Assistance

NJCU accepts written documentation from your employer if they are paying the University directly for some or all of your tuition and fees. This documentation can be considered an authorized deferment and used in lieu of payment. The Office of Student Accounts must receive proper documentation prior to the posted payment deadlines for the semester for the deferment to be considered. The documentation must be on company letterhead and must contain the student's name, date of eligibility and the terms of the agreement. If there are charges that are not covered under the agreement, students must pay these amounts in full by the posted payment deadline for the semester. The University cannot accept agreements that contain contingencies or conditions that delay payment (such as receiving grades for the semester) or payments made directly to the student. The Office of Student Accounts will invoice the employer in a timely fashion, however if payment is not made by the due date a hold flag will be placed on the student account preventing registration or issuance of transcript/diploma. Please contact us at (201) 200-3045 / 3040 or email us at thirdpartybilling@njcu.edu, if you have further questions.