Daniel Guiller
Approach to Mysticism
BFA Project Artist Statement
Daniel Guiller (b.2000) is a New Jersey-based artist who uses photography as a form of
self-expression. Guiller’s photography explores culture, spiritualism, religion, and documentary.
The series titled, “Approach to Mysticism,” records how illumination allows these themes to
engage with one another. His investigation for example follows a religious person in the context
of the practice of pagan rituals. He photographs the practice as an observer, and as someone
interested and drawn into the process that humanity seeks purpose in this existence. This
phenomenon occurs worldwide and differs in their beliefs however similar.
There were many times when the subject, for example, was preparing for a seance or setting
up the altar, Guiller using spontaneity would capture these moments. This is not to say that at
times his observations are not well considered; anything in-between he feels may be construed
as orchestrated. This approach to his practice affords an intimate as well as a documentary
product. His work refers to relational aesthetics qualities in so far as spectator participation to
the environment captured, suggesting a way of reflection on such topics.